Monday, May 21, 2012

One Man's Journey to Healthy Skin

We love to hear from our clients and customers about their dermHA experience and the impact of healthy skin on their lives.  Many people think that healthy skin is just a woman's issue, but we know that men, women, boys and girls all have skin care challenges and need support to create and maintain beautiful skin. We recently received this letter from a dermHA user, Fred*, and wanted to share it with you.  If you would like to share your dermHA story, please email me at .


In my late fifties, I started experiencing periodic episodes of acne. It is very embarrassing as an adult male to have acne. I started noticing my coworkers staring at my face. I became extremely self-conscious about the acne as it was also having a negative effect on my confidence. I tried different soaps, shaving creams, lotions, and razor blades. I even went to a dermatologist who prescribed oral and topical antibiotics in an attempt to clear my skin.
Nothing seemed to work until my daughter gave me some of your products for my 60th birthday. The results were remarkable. In a very short period of time, the acne completely disappeared. I wash my face every morning with the derma gentle face and body wash. After shaving, I use the rejuvenating tonic and then apply the hyaluronic therapeutic crème. I have been using these products for about two and one half years and my skin remains clear.
I wish I had taken some before and after pictures to demonstrate how well these products worked for me.
Thank you making these products.